Documentation, ROM Dumps, Software

Recovered Docs

Here are various links to documentation I have recovered and scanned that does not naturally fit in my project pages.

Hosted on my website

In here you'll find some of the HP part number cross references. There are the best sorted list I could find from the internet. I also put the scan of the microfiches, which has all numbers, even those which don't have a JEDEC number equivalent and had been missing from the published cross-references. Often, but not always, there is enough data to figure out a modern replacement. Often an adequate JEDEC replacement can be found a few lines above or below. The big downside of the fiches is that the parts are not sorted by part number, so it often takes a long time to locate them. Let me know if you successfully OCR them.  

Recovered Software

Various recovered software. See corresponding instrument page on this website for context.

Recovered ROMs

Various ROM dumps. See corresponding instrument page on this website for context.